Hi. I'm Ryan.
I am a lifelong learner with a passion for data and analytics. I enjoy collaborating with fellow data-driven, creative individuals seeking to solve complex problems using ethical practices.
After achieving my childhood goal of designing buildings professionally, my curious nature has driven me to explore new career challenges that leverage my technical knowledge and analytical capabilities. When I began researching the data science profession, I was instantly intrigued by the blending of hacking skills, statistical expertise and business acumen to solve problems. I knew that my passion for analytics would be a good fit in the data science field. My commitment to making this career transition led me to pursue a graduate degree in data science at UC Berkeley to refine my programming skills and bring me up to speed on current machine learning technologies. My career aspirations are to build complex algorithms to extract insights from data that provide solutions, drive strategy, and add value to organizations and society.
When I am not deeply involved in my machine learning modeling, you might find me working on my other modeling. In my spare time and when given the opportunity, I enjoy modeling in print advertisement campaigns for financial, athletic, and tech companies. On the weekends I try to stay active and can usually be found on a basketball court or running trails around the Bay Area.
Below is my collection of individual and team projects from my two years in the UC Berkeley Master of Information and Data Science program. I have had the privilege to collaborate with some truly exceptional colleagues and advisors that have helped me along this journey.